
This course information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

A85 Advanced Diploma of Live Production, Theatre and Events (Technical Production) [Costume]

This course provides training in the techniques and processes required to construct and source costumes and accessories for live theatre, dance and film. These units include pattern drafting, costume construction, tailoring and art finishing.
Students are closely involved in live productions on a frequent basis and gain skills in the coordination of costumes for performance. This includes development of proficiency in the areas of wardrobe supervision, budgeting, dressing and maintenance. General training also incorporates millinery, sculptured costume, makeup, wigs, corsetry and drawing, offering scope in skill development and employment opportunities.
Students work as directed on productions mounted by the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts. Students begin by assisting until sufficiently skilled to perform designated tasks. In the final year students will be expected to provide service to the productions at a professional level of competence.
Professional placement to industry in the graduating year is a compulsory and practical component. Students undertake an appropriate attachment for production experience. The purpose of this work is to develop and strengthen the proficiencies and skills required in the industry.

This VET course is offered by WAAPA as a Registered Training Organisation under the Australian Quality Training Framework and is accredited through the Training Accreditation Council.

Applicants apply directly to WAAPA. Admission is based on interview and submission of a prescribed project for evaluation.

Interviews are normally held in November. Students are assessed against the following criteria:

• presentation
• originality
• demonstrable empathy for the discipline
• technical ability
• capacity to complete the course with excellence

This course is available on Mt Lawley Campus.
This course is available by Full-time mode.
This course is available in the following mode of delivery - On-campus.

The course achieves endorsed national units of competence principally from the entertainment industry training package (CUE03). The units of competence are clustered within course delivery units. Details of the specific delivery arrangement for each unit of competence are available from the relevant Course Coordinator or the Programme Director. Students commence the programme at AQF level 4 – Certificate IV, and over a period of three years full-time study achieve the standard required to graduate at AQF level 6 with an Advanced Diploma of Live Production, Theatre and Events (Technical Production - Costume).

Semester one
50214 » Assist on production (Part A)   
Semester two
50215 » Assist on production (Part B)   
Full Year
BSBCMM101A » Apply basic communication skills*   
BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes   
CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry   
CUECOS09B Develop and apply knowledge of costume   
CUECOS303A Modify, repair and maintain costumes   
CUESMT12B Analyse performance outline/script   
CUETGE15B Handle physical elements safely during bump in/bump out   
CUVCOR07B Use drawing techniques to represent the object or idea   
CUVCOR11B Source information on history and theory and apply to own area of work   
CUVVSP14B Apply techniques to produce drawings   
ICTCC120A Use basic computer technology   
LMTCL3009B » Develop patterns from a block using patternmaking principles   
LMTCL4002A » Assemble and fit commercially tailored or bespoke garments   
LMTCL4003A » Measure, lay-up and cut commercially tailored garments   
LMTFD4010B » Create pattern to meet design specifications applying advanced patternmaking principles   
LMTTX2012B Perform industrial sewing on textile products   
THHGHS03B Provide first aid   
Semester one
50216 » Coordinate an area of production in (Part A)   
Semester two
50217 » Coordinate an area of production in (Part B)   
Full Year
CUECOS12B » Make costumes for dance and physical theatre*   
CUECOS13B Create theatrical millinery   
CUECOS14B Construct hard and soft sculptured costume accessories   
CUECOS15B Construct hard and soft sculptured specialised costumes   
CUECOS302A Dress performers   
CUEMUP5B Dress (style) wigs   
CUEMUP6B Dress hair for a performance or production   
CUETGE05C Maintain physical production elements   
CUFCOS404A Cut and drape costumes   
CUFCOS502A Design and construct costume corsetry and undergarments   
CUETEM06B Organise and monitor bump in/bump out   
CUFMUP501A Design and apply specialised make-up   
Semester one
CUETEM08B » Realise productions   
Semester two
50213 » Lead a production team   
Full Year
BSBMGT502B Manage people performance   
BSBMGT515A Manage operational plan   
CUECOS02C Apply art finishing   
CUECOS10B » Make period costumes*   
CUECOS11B Make character costumes   
CUECOS405A » Co-ordinate costume manufacture*   
CUEFIN01C Develop a budget   
CUEFIN02C Manage a budget   
CUEIND01C Source and apply entertainment industry knowledge   
CUEOHS01C Implement workplace health, safety and security procedures   
CUETEM01C Co-ordinate production operations   
CUETEM03C Establish and manage production requirements and resources   
CUFCOS504A Design costumes   
CUVCRS11B Select and prepare work for exhibition*   
SITXMGT005A Manage business risk   
Students must attain competency in all units in a given year before progressing to the next year, i.e. successful completion of year one is a prerequisite for entry into year two, and successful completion of year two is a prerequisite for entry into year three.
» Designated Unit - a Unit or Unit of Competency which a Faculty Board has designated as a fundamental course requirement and may only be attempted once unless otherwise determined by Board of Examiners.
Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 3/15/2012 VET: 3/15/2012