
This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

MAN6502 Conducting Business in Asia
Credit Points: 20
With the current growth in global trade from countries including China, India, Japan, South Korea and with the reasonable expectation of this growth to continuing well into the future, this region continues to attract considerable interest for international business professionals and researchers. The aim of this unit is to develop an understanding of how business traditions apply in these diverse Asian environments and to develop appropriate skills and business strategies to be successful in the global economy. In each tradition we examine the type of business enterprise that has emerged in recent history and focus on the nature of the business organisation, leadership, management style, strategy, government involvement, negotiation and how each business culture has evolved.

Full Unit Outline

This Unit is part of the following Courses / Unit Sets
SPAAPEInternational Business Area of Specialisation
Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 3/15/2013 VET: 5/20/2013