
This unit information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

LAW1212 Contract Law II
Credit Points: 15
LAW1111 Contract Law I

This unit opens with a discussion of contract theory and then focuses on discharge of contracts and remedies for breach. The various forms of discharge will be covered including by performance, express agreement, frustration and breach, with particular emphasis on termination for breach and repudiation. The unit then considers factors that vitiate a contract, including illegality, mistake, misrepresentation, undue influence and unconscionable dealing. Consideration will also be given to misleading and deceptive conduct under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).


There will be a detailed examination of remedies at common law and in equity. Damages for breach will be covered and include in depth examination of causation, remoteness, the duty to mitigate a loss, and assessments.  Injunctions and specific performance will also feature.

Full Unit Outline

This Unit is part of the following Courses / Unit Sets
K61Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Laws
V72Bachelor of Laws
K50Bachelor of Laws
V73Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts
K51Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business
K30Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
K58Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science
Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 4/30/2009 VET: 4/30/2009