
This course information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

M89 Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Sports Science)

This course prepares students for professional roles in a variety of positions in the private, corporate and government sectors which require personnel with high levels of competence in the area of Exercise and Sports Science. Graduates have successful careers in speciality areas such as exercise rehabilitation, sports administration, physical education teaching, sports coaching, exercise science and strength and conditioning.  Nutrition, health promotion, human performance, human biology, sports management, occupational health and safety, psychology, business and physical activity and health are available to be studied as a Minor. Following completion of this degree students are eligible for Exercise Science membership with Exercise Sports Science Australia (ESSA). The Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Sports Science) Degree (M89) is an accredited degree with ESSA.

Course Duration: 3 years full-time or part-time equivalent.


Students specialising in Exercise and Sports Science must complete 17 core units (255 credit points) in Exercise and Sports Science.  In addition, they must complete one Prescribed Elective (15 credit points) plus a six unit Minor (90 credit points) from a selected list, or a further 6 Recommended Electives from a selected list.


If students are considering entry into the fourth year, Bachelor of Science (Exercise Science and Rehabilitation) degree, they must complete a recommended set of electives instead of a Minor. The Exercise Science and Rehabilitation degree enables graduates to gain accreditation as an 'Exercise Physiologist' through ESSA (see


If students are considering entry into post graduate studies for Dietetics they they must complete a recommended set of electives instead of a Minor. 


Standard university admission requirements.

This course is available on Joondalup Campus.
This course is available by Full-time, or Part-time mode.
This course is available in the following mode of delivery - On-campus.
Semester 1
EBH1101 Human Anatomy 15
EBH1102 Human Physiology 15
SPS1108 Foundations of Social Psychology 15
SPS1114 Acquisition of Skill 15
Semester 2
SPS1111 Foundations of Fitness and Training 15
SPS1113 Sports Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy 15
NUT1121 Human Nutrition 15
Minor 1 or Recommended Elective 1
Semester 1
SPS2113 Sports Biomechanics 2 15
SPS2203 Principles and Practices of Resistance Training # 15
SPS2201 Physiology of Exercise 1 (Cardiorespiratory) 15
Minor 2 or Recommended Elective 2
Semester 2
MAT2107 Statistical Research Methods 15
SPS2112 Motor Control 15
SPS2301 Exercise Rehabilitation 15
Prescribed Elective
# SPS2203 is a full year unit. Lectures and laboratories are delivered in Semester 1. Students undertake in a 30 hour Internal Practicum in Semester 2.
Semester 1
SPS3111 Physical Activity and Health 15
SPS3112 Exercise and Sports Science Practicum # 15
Minor 3 or Recommended Elective 3
Minor 4 or Recommended Elective 4
Semester 2
SPS3101 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 15
SPS3301 Physiology of Exercise 2 (Applied Physiology) 15
Minor 5 or Recommended Elective 5
Minor 6 or Recommended Elective 6
# SPS3112 is a full year unit.
All Students are required to select one elective from either: SPS3203, SPS1210 or SPS1107

SPS3203 Human Movement and Disability 15
SPS1107 Sports Science Applications 1 15
SPS1210 Performance Analysis and Player Monitoring in Sport 15
Health Promotion
Human Biology
Human Performance
Sports Management (4 units only) *
Occupational Health&Safety
Physical Activity&Health
Business Edge (4 units only)*

Other areas may be selected with the approval of the course coordinator.
* Students completing the Sports Management or Business Edge minor must select an additional two units from either the Prescribed or Recommended electives.

Students who do not select a Minor must select a further 6 units from the list below dependent on interests and/or career pathways.

• Recommended elective units for a career pathway to Clinical Exercise Physiology are SPS3120 and SPS3121. Students should enrol into these units in year 3.

• Recommended elective units for a career pathway to Dietetics are SCC1123 or SCC1111, SCC1226, NUT2211, NUT2220, SCH2232 and NUT3215.
Available Semester 1
SPS1120 Performance Studies 2 15
SCC1123 Chemistry for the Life Sciences 15
SCC1111 General Chemistry > 15
SCC1226 Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 15
NUT2211 Metabolic Biochemistry 15
SPS3120 Psycho-social Aspects in Physical Activity and Chronic Disease 15
SCH3236 Pharmacology 15
NUT3215 Exercise Nutrition 15
SPS2111 Performance Studies 6 15
SPS3205 Performance Studies 3 15
HST1152 Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety 15
Available Semester 2
SPS1205 Performance Studies 1 15
SCH1104 Introduction to Pathophysiology 15
SCP1134 Foundations of Physics 15
OCT1206 Neuroscience 15
SPS1210 Performance Analysis and Player Monitoring in Sport 15
SPS1107 Sports Science Applications 1 15
NUT2220 Nutritional Assessment 15
SCH2111 Applied Physiology 15
SCH2232 Medical Biochemistry 15
SPS3203 Human Movement and Disability 15
SPS3121 Professional Skills in Clinical Exercise Physiology 15
SPS3206 Performance Studies 4 15
Students who select and complete a unit from the prescribed elective list cannot select and enrol into that same unit for a recommended elective.
> Students with no prior Chemistry study enrol in SCC1123. Students who have completed year 12 Chemistry enrol in SCC1111
Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 3/15/2014 VET: 5/14/2014