
This course information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

U69 Doctor of Contemporary Arts

The Doctor of Contemporary Arts (DCA) is a fee-paying, three-year full-time research programme aimed at artists and related professionals of high standing who have been led either by formal study, professional achievement or both, to the point where an extended period of intensive professional study, and a rigorous exploration of related theoretical issues, will extend their practice to the highest expectations of creative, academic and professional achievement.


The programme provides an opportunity for creative and accomplished practitioners to produce substantial new research work, whilst at the same time developing a new approach or a more extensive theoretical framework in their practice. Through this programme, students have the opportunity either to

  1. specialise in discrete disciplines such as art therapy, drama therapy, graphic design, electronic art, performance art and so on, or
  2. undertake cross-disciplinary study through joint supervision of projects


The programme is concerned with professional and critical rigour, systematic experimentation and refinement of practice in a given medium. Students completing the programme will be expected to present original work of a high standard which demonstrates a substantial development in relation to the candidate's prior practice i.e., they will be expected to contextualise, articulate and extend their working processes. They will also be expected to provide an appropriate record of their research through a written thesis or exegesis based on their research activities, their artistic ideas and the exploratory processes. Through the thesis/exegesis, students will be encouraged to develop models of practical and theoretical enquiry appropriate to their profession, based on a broad understanding of the theories which underpin contemporary practice in their discipline.


The DCA is subject to University-wide regulations pertaining to questions such as course duration; thesis submission; and research ethics. Copies of the relevant documentation will be provided to all candidates upon enrolment.



Applicants must apply directly to the University.  The interviewing panel will normally comprise the Course Coordinator and two Lecturers from the School. Qualified applicants will subsequently be invited to submit a portfolio, a proposal concerning the area of practice and a statement outlining their reasons for seeking admission.



Applicants should meet at least one of the following entry criteria:

  • A Research degree in a discipline relevant to the proposed research;
  • An Honours degree (1st Class or 2a) in a discipline relevant to the proposed research
  • Appropriate undergraduate qualifications along with extensive professional experience and demonstrated research capacity through published work in the field assessed by means of a portfolio


Consideration will also be given to applicants with other relevant and equivalent degrees.


All candidates will be required to submit evidence of professional practice and attend an interview and/or audition (where appropriate).



Entry to the course will be based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of portfolio.
  • Previous academic record
  • Referee reports
  • Curriculum vitae and written and verbal statements regarding their proposed course of study.


All applicants will be asked to provide the names of two referees (e.g., lecturers or other appropriate persons) who would be willing to comment on their artistic and academic competence. Availability of places will depend on the School's capacity to accommodate the proposed practical studio work and to supervise it.



The duration of the course normally is three years full-time (six semesters of study) or the part-time equivalent. It is available by full-time or part-time study on the Mt Lawley campus of ECU.

DCA7102 Art in Context Seminars 30 
DCA7103 The Professional Practitioner 30 
DCA7104 Project Proposal 30 
DCA7109 Thesis Research Methodology 30 
The thesis component of this program is entirely research based. Each semester, students nominate if they wish to enrol in the thesis unit: DCA7200 at 25, 50, 75 or 100% of full time enrolment. Students are required to continue to re-enrol in the thesis component of their study until the thesis is submitted for examination.
DCA7200 Doctor of Contemporary Arts Thesis 0 
Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 11/18/2004