
This course information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

G37 Bachelor of Arts


The three year Bachelor of Arts degree at Edith Cowan University is intended to broaden students’ understanding of themselves, their community, and the larger world.  This challenging educational program leads to a degree which is internationally recognised in the global marketplace.  The degree provides students with lifelong transferable skills equipping them for employment in a wide range of professions, and for further study in a variety of disciplines.



The course is available full-time or part-time. Majors are taught internally on the Mount Lawley  and/or Joondalup Campuses, depending on the major.



Note: There are special conditions for entry into the Japanese Major or Minor and the Italian Minor.


Japanese Major or Minor - Native speakers of Japanese who have completed their compulsory education in Japan and/or in a Japanese educational institution overseas (i.e., six years at primary and three years at junior high school) are not eligible to enrol in a Japanese Major or Minor. Other background speakers of Japanese may be requested to complete LST1121 and LST2150 instead of JLS1165 and JLS1275 as part of their Major or Minor.


Italian Minor - Native speakers of Italian who have completed their compulsory education in Italy and/or in an Italian educational institution overseas (i.e. six years at primary and three years at junior high school) are not eligible to enrol in an Italian Minor.

  • Students who have taken Italian TEE are also excluded from the Minor, though they can take one or more of the following units as electives:  ITA3311 and ITA3412 externally.
  • Students enrolling in any unit of the Italian Minor must disclose the extent and nature of their prior knowledge of Italian, if any (i.e. whether they studied it in Primary or Secondary schools in Australia and to what level) in order to be advised by the Italian Coordinator of the appropriate class to take.  Failure to do so may result in having to withdraw from the unit.

  • Students who have completed year 10 Italian in Secondary school need to enrol in intermediate classes and cannot take beginner classes.






The Bachelor of Arts consists of 360 credit points (twenty-four (24) units). Each unit is valued at fifteen (15) credit points.  Students may only complete a maximum of  150 credit points worth of Level One units.  The course has four components: Core units; a Major; a Minor; and a Supplementary Program. Students must complete the requirements of all four components:




Credit Pts


Core units

Two (2) BA core units









One Major from the list offered within the Bachelor of Arts. Most Majors are eight (8) unit Majors. The two Japanese Majors are nine (9) unit Majors (See below)



8 (9:Jap)




120   (135:Jap)



One six (6) unit Minor from the Bachelor of Arts Minors list (Can be expanded to second Bachelor of Arts major by using two units from Supplementary Program)









Supplementary Program

A Supplementary Program comprising:

Eight (8) elective units selected from within the Bachelor of Arts or from any area(s) of study within the University


A six (6) unit Minor plus two (2) electives selected from within the Bachelor of Arts or from any area of study within the University


An eight (8) unit Major or Supporting Major selected from within the Bachelor of Arts or from any area of study within the University



8 (7:Jap)



120    (105:Jap)

Total Required Units and Credit Points




The Bachelor of Arts has been designed with great flexibility, to provide students with an excellent range of choices whist still maintaining a coherent program. The selection of units within the program is subject to availability and normal University and Faculty Rules. This flexible approach does mean that students need to take great care in selecting an individual program of study which fulfils the course requirements. Additional notes and requirements relevant to choices are given below, but students are advised to consult with a School Student Support Officer or the relevant Major Coordinator in planning their course.


Additional notes and requirements

  • Course requirements - To complete the degree over three years (or part-time equivalent) students are required to pass two (2) core (Level One) units, a Major comprising two (2) Level One and six (6) Level Two and Level Three units (the Japanese nine unit Majors are an exception to this), and a Minor of two (2) Level One and four (4) Level Two and Level Three units.  The remaining eight (8) units may consist of one of the alternatives outlined above in the Supplementary Program.  No more than four (4) of these units, however, may normally be at Level One.
  • Credit Points Requirements - Students may have no more than 150 credit points at Level One in their award, and must include at least five (5) Level Three units including at least three (3) in each Major and two (2) in each Minor.
  • Double-listed units - When a unit is found in two (2) different Major or Minor lists and a student wishes to complete both Majors/Minors, the double-listed unit may be credited in only one (1) Major or Minor.  An alternative unit must be completed to meet the requirement of the other Major/Minor, with the approval of the Major/Minor Coordinator.
  • Level One units - Level One units (other than core units) should normally be drawn from a minimum of three (3) different Majors or Minors as listed below.
  • Second Bachelor of Arts - A student already holding a Bachelor of Arts degree and seeking to complete a second Bachelor of Arts degree will be required to complete at least a full new Major (120 or 135 credit points for Japanese) from within the Bachelor of Arts program.
  • Second Major - Two (2) units from the Supplementary Program may be used to extend the required Minor into a second Major from the Bachelor of Arts list, before giving two Majors (eight (8) plus eight (8) units).
  • Unit frequency of offering - Not all units are offered each year and, where applicable, choice must be made from those timetabled in a given semester.  Most Level Two and Level Three units are offered in a two-year rotation but some individual units may be offered less frequently at the discretion of the School.
  • Level Two and Level Three units - The BA includes few units coded at Level Two since it is intended that units with a Level Three code be open to students in both the second and the third year of their course, subject only to specific unit prerequisite requirements.  The number of units available in rotation ensures that students will have sufficient units at this level available to complete the requirements of their major or minor.


Examples of the degree structure include:


Example 1

 Example 2

 Example 3


Year One

2 core units

2 Major units

2 Minor units

2 Elective units (or alternatives)



2 core units

1 Major unit

1 Minor unit

4 Elective units (or alternatives)



2 core units

2 Major units

2 Minor units

2 Supporting Major units


Year Two

3 Major units

2 Minor units

3 Elective units (or alternatives)



4 Major units

2 Minor units

2 Elective units (or alternatives)



3 Major units

1 Minor unit

4 Supporting Major units

Year Three

3 Major units

2 Minor units

3 Elective units (or alternatives)



3 Major units

3 Minor units

2 Elective units (or alternatives)


3 Major units

3 Minor units

2 Supporting Major units


Note: Course programs for students with Japanese Majors will be slightly different.


Japanese Majors Course Programs


There are two Japanese Majors, one for Advanced – Post TEE students and one for Beginners. Each of these Majors have 135 credit points (nine (9) units). This is an exceptional pattern to accommodate the particular needs of students learning Japanese. The Supplementary Program will be reduced to 105 credit points (seven (7) units) for students selecting and completing a 135 credit point (nine (9) units) Japanese Major.

  • An Introductory Japanese Major Student will normally include four (4) Japanese Major units in their first year, three (3) in their second year and two (2) in their third year of study.
  • A Post-TEE Japanese Major Student will normally include three (3) Japanese Major units in each year of study.


All students undertaking Majors in Japanese should consult a School Student Support Officer to develop a study plan and must confirm their study plans with the Japanese Major Coordinator.



All Bachelor of Arts students must complete two (2) core units chosen from the following list. The ESL units are available only to students whose first language is not English. Only one ESL unit may count as a core unit, though additional ESL units may be completed as electives. (It is envisaged that additional units may be added to this list at a later date.)
CSV1105 Interpersonal Skills 15
ENG1110 The Power of Practical Writing 15
LST1121 Introduction to Language 15
PHR1102 Critical Thinking 15
ESL1007 University English: Society 15
ESL1010 University English: The Arts 15
ESL1011 University English 15
ESL1012 University English 2 15
All Bachelor of Arts students must complete at least one 120 credit point (eight (8) unit) Major selected from the following (135 credit points/nine (9) units in the case of Japanese):
Asian Studies (ML)
Australian Cultural Studies (ML)
English (ML) +
French (Introductory) (ML)
French (Post TEE) (ML) +
Geography (ML) +
History (ML) +
Japanese (Introductory) (ML)
Japanese (Post TEE) (ML) +
Philosophy and Religion (ML, JO) +
Politics and Government (ML) +
Social Justice and Public Advocacy (JO, ML)
Social Sciences (ML, JO) +
Sociology, Anthropology (ML, JO) +
Writing (ML) +
ML or JO denotes campus where offered.
+ Honours available in this Major.
These Bachelor of Arts Majors are available, under the title Major, to students in any course of the University the structure of which allows for the inclusion of an eight (8) unit Major or second Major from another area.
All Bachelor of Arts students must complete at least one 90 credit point (six (6) unit) Minor selected from within this Bachelor of Arts Program. Minors can be chosen from any of the Major areas of the Bachelor of Arts listed above or selected from the following:
Children's Literature (ML)
Editing (ML)
International and Cultural Studies (JO, ML)
Italian (Introductory) (ML)
Literature and Writing (JO)
Note: Where a choice is available the selection of the units for the Minor is subject to availability and normal University Rules such as prerequisites. The Minor can be expanded to a second Bachelor of Arts Major by using two (2) units from the Supplementary Program.
These Bachelor of Arts Minors are available, under the title Minor, to students in any course of the University the structure of which allows for the inclusion of a 90 credit point (six (6) unit) Minor from another area.
Bachelor of Arts students may select up to 120 credit points (eight (8) units) worth of Electives as part of their Supplementary Program. Electives may be chosen from within the Bachelor of Arts program or from any area(s) of study across the University available to students, subject to normal University Rules and to prerequisite requirements.

Electives offered within the Bachelor of Arts program include any units chosen from Bachelor of Arts Majors or Minors listed above, provided prerequisites are met, plus Elective units in the following areas:
Arts Practicum
Chinese (Introductory)
English as a Second Language
Indonesian (Introductory)
Spanish (Introductory)
Bachelor of Arts Majors all consist of 120 credit points (eight (8) units) chosen from one of the following discipline areas, EXCEPT Japanese, which has 135 credit point (nine (9) unit) Majors. The units selected normally comprise no more than 30 credit points (two (2) units) at Level One and 90 credit points (six (6) units) at Level Two/Three, with a minimum of 45 credit points (three (3) units) at Level Three.
Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 3/31/2006 VET: 3/31/2006