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N47 / H08 Master of Education


The N47 Master of Education (M.Ed.), is a Masters program by coursework in the School of Education. It provides an opportunity for motivated professionals concerned with educational practice to undertake advanced coursework in a field of particular interest to them and to gain an internationally recognised postgraduate qualification. A study of the advanced coursework units will provide students with knowledge and understandings across a range of specialist areas suited to each student's needs and choices. It will support graduates in professional advancement as teachers, leaders and administrators.


The M.Ed. (code N47) degree requires two semesters (eight units, total 120 Credit Points) of full-time study or its equivalent part-time. Students complete the two required units (1 x 20 + 1 x 10 = 30 Credit Points) and six elective units (6 x 15 = 90 Credit Points).


Note: The Master degree is not an introductory teaching qualification, nor is it a licence to teach.



This is a fee paying course.


Students can apply for an interest-free loan for fee-paying postgraduate courses Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme (PELS) ( or 1800 020108)


The Master of Education course is available by full-time or part-time study on the Mount Lawley campus. Some units may be offered on the Joondalup campus. It is also available by external study, with many on-line units available.

Students wishing to study full-time should ensure that they discuss their study plan with the appropriate Course Coordinator before committing themselves to full-time study.

Places in the program are available through competitive admission. Applicants are selected on the basis of academic background and professional experience.


Academic Qualifications

(i)  a Bachelor of Education degree; or
(ii) a Bachelor level degree in any other field, plus a Graduate Diploma of Education or one year full-time or equivalent study in a relevant area; or
(iii) a four year degree in an area of study that has application to education; or

(iv) a three year degree or equivalent and a Graduate Certificate in Education or documented professional experience.


Professional Experience
Normally at least one year of relevant professional experience.


Additional Evidence
Applicants must provide evidence of the capacity to undertake advanced studies at postgraduate level.

Documentation relating to the applicant’s professional experience may be required.

Applicants whose first language is not English and who have not previously studied in an English medium university must provide evidence of their capacity to undertake advanced studies through English. This evidence may include scores attained on TOEFL or IELTS examinations.



Students can apply credentialed professional learning (CPL) for credit in the M.Ed. through the School’s Institutes, Workshops and Short Courses. A professional development activity taught by ECU (eg. Winter/Summer Institute) is accepted as CPL and can be used as partial credit generally 5 credit points, one third of a M.Ed. coursework unit. Three CPL modules (3x5 credit points) equate to one M.Ed. coursework unit.


Students who have completed a level five ECU Graduate Certificate of Education normally gain entry into the M.Ed. with 4 units credit/advanced standing.


All students are required to complete 8 units in the degree (1 x 20, 1 x 10 + 6 x 15 = 120 Credit Points). Required units include an applied research methods/methods of investigation unit (RES5101) and an advanced seminar unit (EDU6195). Students can then choose any six other units although specialisations are encouraged. Units on offer are drawn from a range of specialisation areas in the School of Education:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Curriculum
  • School Leadership
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Special Education
  • Early Childhood
  • Middle Years
  • Learning Area Specialisation
  • Catholic Studies/Religious Education
  • Tertiary Teaching


A coherent set of Level 5 units should be planned in consultation with the Course Coordinator. There is a strong teaching and learning and curriculum focus in the M.Ed. with four units being offered and with most students choosing two or more of these units. If a student requires further depth in any one area then they can choose either one or two independent study units (EDU6188/6189).These units involve the in depth study of a selected topic of interest. Students may conduct a school/work-related project, a small piece of research or develop and/or evaluate an educational resource, such as a curriculum module, software package, assessment resource, policy document, or a reasoned professional reflection or critique.

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 11/18/2004