
This course information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

466 Bachelor of Business


The Bachelor of Business degree has been designed to give students a foundation in the disciplines which constitute business studies, together with the opportunity for indepth study of a functional specialism, and experience of a cognate group of units in a second area of study chosen to suit individual needs and interests.


All students study a foundation program within the degree at an introductory level to gain a perspective of business and to acquire fundamental skills which are essential for their course and career.


After the first semester of full-time study, students choose the major or double major program they wish to follow.  Currently, the following Majors are available:


1.   Accounting: This course has been designed for students seeking careers as professional accountants.


2.   Business Law: This Major is designed to facilitate the study of law primarily within the context of business to complement other major areas of study within the Bachelor of Business or within other degree courses offered by the University.  It is only available in conjunction with another major.


3.   Economics: This Major provides students with a sound theoretical and practical foundation in economics.


4.   Electronic Commerce: This Major is designed for those students wishing to specialise in the issues concerned with modern electronic commerce such as business on the Internet, electronic data inter-change, and multimedia.


5.   Electronic Marketing: The major of e-Marketing is the coming together of two fields of study, Electronic Commerce and Marketing. Graduates with this joint major will have gained skills and knowledge in technological, organisational, operational and marketing aspects of the new field of online sales.


6.   Finance: This Major program has been designed for students who propose to follow a career in the field of finance.


7.   Hospitality Management: This Major provides a foundation for students seeking management careers in the hospitality industry.  The program includes a blend of theoretical and practical units and may be complemented by a period of industry experience.


8.   Human Resource Management: This Major is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in personnel or human resource functions.


9.   Industrial Relations: This Major is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the public or private sector or in trade unions.  It is only available in conjunction with a Major in Human Resource Management.


10.  Information Management: The major of Information Management looks at those aspects of information systems that support managers, consultants, customers, suppliers and employees to make sound business decisions based on accurate, current and relevant information. Graduates with this major will have gained skills and knowledge in technical, operational and organisational aspects of information management for decision support.


11. Information Systems: This Major has been designed for students intending to pursue a career in business, specialising in the analysis design and development of business information systems and databases, at operational, managerial or corporate levels.


12. International Business: To prepare for business careers involving an international focus.  Graduates gain expertise in a foreign language as well as in business disciplines.


13. Leisure Management: This Major will prepare students for employment in the leisure industry, with particular emphasis on the commercial sectors of industry.


14. Management: This Major is relevant for students who wish to pursue a career in management.


15. Marketing: This Major has been designed to provide appropriate education for students seeking a wide range of positions in the advertising, public relations, and marketing sectors.


16. Sport Management: This Major provides professional competency-based sport management education in the efficient and effective management of Western Australian sport and fitness service organisations thereby facilitating lifespan health, fitness and performance.


17. Tourism Management: This Major is designed to develop competencies essential to the efficient management of private and public sectors of the tourism industry.  The program includes a blend of theoretical and practical units, and may be complemented by a period of industry experience.


A supplementary program offers students a choice of units to complete their degree.  Options available include a second Major program or a selection of Elective units from those offered within the Bachelor of Business award or (with approval) from other awards of the Faculty of Business and Public Management or (with approval) from outside the Faculty.







      Admission to the Bachelor of Business degree at Churchlands or Joondalup is competitive.  Meeting minimum admission requirements does not guarantee enrolment.

1.1  Special Admission Requirement

       Applicants are expected to have studied mathematics at year 12 or equivalent.  Students without sufficient background in mathematics may be invited to complete Business Mathematics.    

       This unit does not contribute to course credit.


1.2  Advanced Standing

       Students who have completed equivalent units at another institution may apply for exemption from those units.  The Policy on Exemptions is contained in the Edith Cowan University

      (Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress) Rules.  The procedure for applying for exemptions in the Faculty is available on request.



2.1  These regulations apply to students enrolled for the first time after 1 January 2004.


2.2  Students enrolled prior to 1 January, 2004, who are returning to study in year 2004 after a period of deferral must seek advice from the Undergraduate Centre.



      The Bachelor of Business degree comprises a minimum of 360 credit points and normally requires three years of full-time study or the part-time equivalent.


      The degree has the following main components:


      (i)      a foundation program of 120 credit points,


      (ii)     a Major program of 120 credit points,


      (iii)    a Double Major program (240 credit points),


      (iv)    a supplementary program of 120 credit points comprising:

                ·  a second major from outside the Faculty, or

                ·  a minor study from outside the Faculty plus electives, or

                ·  an elective program of 120 credit points.



      (a)  All Bachelor of Business students must complete a minimum of 90 credit points at third year level and no more than 180 credit points at first year level.


      (b)  Students studying elective units outside the Faculty must obtain written permission from their Head of School prior to enrolment in those units.


3.1 Foundation

      All courses have the same set foundation units.  Students are required to complete 120 credit points from the nine following units:



3.3 Supplementary Program

The Supplementary Program comprises of minimum of 120 credit points of study. Options include:


(i)Second Major

A second major may be selected from the Bachelor of Business from outside the Faculty. The general requirements are:

  • the course of study must meet the requirements of both majors.
  • where an overlap in the two majors results in fewer than 240 credit points, substitute units must be approved by one of the relevant Heads of School.
  • a minimum of 210 credit points must be directly relevant to the major areas of study


Recommended majors offered by faculties other than Business include:


Asian Studies

Computer Science

Languages (French, Japanese)

Mass Communication


Philosophy and Religion

Politics and Government

Public Relations

Sociology and Anthropology

Sports Science

Technology for Sustainable Environments



NOTE:  In courses where unit codes are paired at second and third year level, a student who completes the unit at second year level may not do the same unit at third year level.



3.4  Sequence of Study

Prerequisite units must be passed before enrolment in succeeding units.  In certain circumstances this requirement may be waived by the relevant Head of School


In general, all first year foundation units must be completed before second year units are studied and second year units before third year units.  However, second year units may be studied concurrently with first year units when required, to make up a study program


Normally a student will not be permitted to repeat a failed unit more than twice.  (That is, a unit may be attempted no more than three times).  If a unit is failed three times the student will not be permitted to continue that study program or any study program involving the failed unit.


The following pairs of units must not be taken within the same degree program:

LAW2400 Taxation Law II
LAW2410 Income Tax Framework II

LAW3500 Taxation Law III
LAW3510 Income Tax Framework III

LAW2120 Management Law II
LAW2200 Commercial Law II

MKT2130 Marketing Research II
LMS2104 Leisure Research Methods II


Study Load
The normal study load is four units for full-time students and two units for part-time students.  Application to enrol in five units per semester must be approved by the Undergraduate Centre.


Study Programs
Study Programs are set out in the under-graduate information booklet available from the Faculty.




Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 11/18/2004