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670 Master of Education

The Master of Education program of Edith Cowan University provides an opportunity for persons concerned with educational practice to undertake advanced coursework and/or research in a field of particular interest to them and to gain an internationally recognised postgraduate qualification.  It can be completed in one year full-time or part-time equivalent.


A choice of strands of study is available: one involving coursework (eight units); one involving coursework (four units) and a thesis (four units); and another involving a research thesis (eight units).  The coursework Master of Education is intended to improve the professional practice of educators.  The research Master of Education requires that the student has capacity to work under the direction of a supervisor to plan and implement a significant research activity.  The research degree is for practitioners who wish to develop competence in research.


The Master of Education provides direct admission to the Doctor of Philosophy.  Students who intend completing the eight unit coursework strand followed by the Doctor of Philosophy are advised to complete a research preparation unit.


The Master degree is not an introductory teaching qualification nor is it a licence to teach.  The coursework, thesis and research Master degrees should prepare graduands to provide educational leadership in the organisations and forums in which they practise.  Educational leadership centres on the negotiation of agreement about purposes, values, strategies and administrative procedures which improve learning by students.  The coursework degree provides the graduand with the capacity to apply knowledge about education to a particular context.  The research degree prepares the graduand to inquire into the nature of educational problems and generate new knowledge which can be used to enhance opportunities for learning.


When undertaking research, students are encouraged to become involved in applied research which attempts to provide solutions to the problems faced by learners, teachers, administrators, consultants and policy-makers.  In particular, they will be able to participate in ongoing research projects being conducted by the various teams of the School of Education and by its research institute and centres: the Centre for Schooling and Learning Technologies (CSaLT), the Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Centre, the Sport and Physical Activity Research Centre and the Centre for Applied Language and Literacy Research.


Places in the program are available through competitive admission.  Applicants are selected on the basis of academic background and professional experience.


Academic Qualifications

(i)   a Bachelor of Education degree; or

(ii)  a Bachelor level degree in any other field, plus a Graduate Diploma of Education or one year full-time or equivalent study in a relevant area; or

(iii) a four year degree in an area of study that has application to education.


Students entering the Master of Education by thesis would normally require an Honours degree (Level 1, 2A or 2B).


Professional Experience

Normally at least one year of relevant professional experience.


Additional Evidence

Applicants must provide evidence of the capacity to undertake advanced studies at postgraduate level.  Documentation relating to the applicant’s professional experience must also be provided.


Applicants whose first language is not English and who previously have not studied in an English medium university must provide evidence of their capacity to undertake advanced studies through English.  This evidence may include scores attained on TOEFL or IELTS examinations.

This course is available on Mt Lawley Campus.
This course is available by Full-time, or Part-time mode.
This course is available in the following mode of delivery - On-campus.

The Master of Education is an eight unit program that can be completed in one year full-time or equivalent part-time through one of the following strands:


i)    eight units of coursework

ii)   four units of coursework and a four unit research thesis

iii)  a research thesis (equal to eight units)

Master of Education

by Coursework and Research Thesis


Course Code 670



Students are required to complete RES5101 or an approved alternative research unit, plus three other level 5 units.  One of these three units should be a research oriented independent study unit (EDU6188 or EDU6189).  All four units are to be selected in consultation with a specialist coordinator.  The advanced coursework will develop knowledge and understanding of research in one or more specialist areas.  For information on unit selection, see the information under Master of Education by coursework.


Research Thesis

The Master of Education thesis is equivalent to four units of study.  The thesis topic can be chosen from areas that relate to the student’s own professional work or from other areas of interest.  A higher level of scholarship is expected in the Master of Education thesis than in an Honours thesis.  This level would be exemplified by the use of more sophisticated research methods, or measurement or by a more extensive data collection procedure relating to a more complex model than that required in an Honours thesis.  It is expected that the thesis will add to knowledge in a selected field of study.  An adapted version of a good quality thesis would be of a standard suitable for publication in a refereed journal.  The length of the thesis in its typed final form, excluding references and appendices, would normally be 25,000-35,000 words.


Students will work with a specialist coordinator and/or supervisor to identify and clarify a thesis topic.  Students prepare a detailed proposal that can be presented to a graduate seminar involving interested staff and students.  Following the graduate seminar, students will submit for approval to the School Postgraduate Study Committee a detailed research proposal.  Ethics clearance is required from the Committee for Conduct of Ethical Research.


The thesis is equivalent to four units (EDU6180, EDU6181, EDU6182 and EDU6183) and students must remain enrolled in at least one of these thesis preparation units while they are conducting research and writing the thesis until the thesis is submitted for examination.  When the thesis is submitted for examination the student should have completed at least the equivalent of four unit enrolments.


Visual Arts Education

The Master of Education (Visual Arts Education) is designed for students who have a background in teaching and who wish to link studio practice with education.  Students enrolled in this stream should be motivated by the desire to develop their knowledge and understanding of the artistic process which they could apply in their teaching.


This award maintains the standard framework of the Master of Education program but differs in two respects:


(i)   completion of AED5107 Landscape and You (an external unit),


(ii)  inclusion of an alternative presentation mode for the thesis - this being a Creative Project in the form of a presentation or exhibition supported by a written component.

RES5101 Research Preparation: Methods of Research 20 
EDU6188 Independent Study 15
EDU6189 Independent Study 15
EDU6195 Advanced Seminar 10 
EDU6200 Master of Education: Thesis 0 
Students are required to complete RES5101 plus three other level 6 units. Two of these three units should be the research oriented Independent Study units EDU6188 and EDU6189 which are used to develop the research proposal and instruments for the study. Students are recommended to take the Advanced Seminar unit EDU6195, however, an alternative unit may be selected in consultation with the Course Coordinator.

Research Thesis
The M.Ed. thesis component is equivalent to 0.5 year of full-time of study. The thesis topic can be chosen from areas that relate to the student’s own professional work or from other areas of interest. A high level of scholarship is expected in the M.Ed. by Coursework and Thesis. It is expected that the thesis will make an original contribution to knowledge in a selected field of study. An adapted version of a good quality thesis would be of a standard suitable for publication in a refereed journal. The length of the thesis in its typed final form, excluding references and appendices, would normally be 25,000-35,000 words.

Students will work with a supervisor to identify and clarify a thesis topic. Students prepare a detailed proposal that is presented to a graduate seminar involving interested staff and students. Following the graduate seminar, students will submit a detailed research proposal for approval. Ethics clearance is required from the Human Research Ethics Committee before data collection can commence.

While working on the thesis, students enrol in the research thesis unit EDU6200. Students are required to continue re-enrolling in EDU6200 until the thesis is submitted for examination. Enrolment in EDU6200 is generally at 50% or 100% of full-time enrolment. Enrolment at 25% is subject to approval of the research supervisor.

Arts Practice
Teachers of drama, dance, visual arts, music and media who choose Arts Practice as their area of interest are provided with an opportunity to undertake research based practice and/or performance. Students will normally commence the M.Ed. by Coursework and complete RES5101 and EDU6195.

Admission to the Arts Practice area of interest will be based on having demonstrated a high level of scholarship in the first two M.Ed. units and on an interview and/or portfolio. Candidates will then develop a research proposal through Independent Study units EDU6188 and EDU6189. Following approval of the research proposal and ethics clearance, candidates develop a body of creative work and an exegesis which contextualises the creative work within contemporary practice and within an educational framework. While working on their creative work/research, students enrol in the research thesis unit EDU6200. Students are required to continue re-enrolling in EDU6200 until their creative work is ready for examination. Enrolment in EDU6200 is generally at 50% or 100% of full-time enrolment. Enrolment at 25% is subject to approval of the research supervisor.

The creative work is examined at an exhibition or performance and is weighted at 60% of the research component. The exegesis is also examined and is weighted at 40% of the research component.
Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 4/30/2009 VET: 4/30/2009