
This course information may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

L68 Master of Healthcare Studies

The Master of Healthcare Studies is an innovative, student-focused course designed for registered nurses, midwives and other health professionals.  Students have the opportunity to extend their clinical and professional skills via a structured, work-integrated learning program. In addition to a series of structured coursework that will introduce students to the concepts and necessary skills for successful work-integrated learning, students will also undertake individual projects/assessment items that address the needs of their employer, their personal and professional development and the requirements of the program. These projects will need to be achievable within the student’s employment setting and could relate to clinical practice, management or other relevant aspects of their role. A unique trilateral relationship between the student, University and industry is an essential underpinning of this program.


The Master of Healthcare Studies is a 180 credit points (9 units) one and a half year full-time award, which may be studied part-time or full-time. The program comprises six 20 credit point units, two 15 credit point units and one 30 credit point unit.



Applicants will hold a Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a discipline related to nursing, midwifery or other health professional group.



As the program is based around workplace learning, students must be employed at least as a 0.5 full-time equivalent within the area of practice around which they will be submitting assessment work. The elective options chosen are clustered, ensuring that students opt for units of study that reflect the knowledge and skills required for their role.

This course is available on Joondalup Campus.
This course is available by Full-time, or Part-time mode.
This course is available in the following modes of delivery - On-campus, and Online.

The Master of Healthcare Studies is a 180 credit points (9 units) 1.5 year full-time award, which may be studied part-time or full-time.


It is recognised that during the course of the program, events may occur which will affect a student's progress, e.g. a change in role. Therefore, ongoing negotiation is of importance in flexible study programs such as this. If appropriate, the student may change their program of learning to suit their circumstances by providing a new professional development plan, which will be subject to ratification by the Master of Healthcare Studies assessment board.


Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 3/15/2013 VET: 5/20/2013