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K61 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Laws

The curriculum of this double degree course includes all the essential content and units from both the Bachelor of Laws (LLB), and, the Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degrees. The six year Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Laws double degree at Edith Cowan University combines a full engineering degree program with a full law degree program that satisfies the academic requirements for the admission of law graduates as legal practitioners in Western Australia. The result of this challenging educational initiative is a double degree which is internationally recognised in the global marketplace.  The double degree provides students with lifelong transferable skills equipping them for employment in a wide range of professions, and for further study in a variety of disciplines. This will facilitate professional recognition in both disciplines.


The graduates of this program will be able to practice in areas where both technical and legal knowledge is applied to the analysis of complex legal issues dealing with elements of design, construction and operation of engineering systems, operations and management, intellectual property etc. This course satisfies the academic requirements for admission of law graduates as legal practitioners in Western Australia. Professional recognition extends to the online mode of delivery. The combined degree provides graduates with skills in high demand professions such as Intellectual Property Lawyers, Technology Licensing Experts, and Technology-related Law Enforcement Agents. As with other Bachelor of Laws degrees in Australia, before a law graduate may be admitted to the legal profession in that state or territory, certain additional requirements must be satisfied after completion of the Bachelor of Laws degree. For law graduates seeking admission in Western Australia, please refer to the Legal Profession Act 2008 (WA).


The knowledge and skills required of a lawyer in a technologically advancing society are more challenging and intellectually adventurous than they have ever been.  This program gives graduates the edge to conduct court work as a legal practitioner dealing with multi-national corporations on advanced technological issues in an international context.  The program also provides graduates with the skills to contribute to technological developments that are environmentally friendly and safe for the community. They will be more employable in industry, government, commerce, community organisations, or academic institutions than engineering graduates without law qualifications.



Bachelor of Engineering
Students whose performance in the engineering units is of a high standard over the duration of the course may be awarded the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours degree.


Bachelor of Laws
An undergraduate law student, who has not more than 120 points of study left to complete to qualify for a Bachelor of Laws degree and who has achieved a weighted average mark of not less than 70% across previously completed Bachelor of Laws units, may be eligible to graduate with Honours.
Eligible students must complete LAW4710 - Advanced Legal Research Thesis in lieu of 30 credit points of Law elective units. Completion of LAW4710 does not guarantee a student will receive a Bachelor of Laws (Honours). Except as otherwise provided, the policy Management of Honours Candidature, Grading of Honours Performance and Student Support applies. The Honours grade will be based on both completed units within the Bachelor of Laws degree as well as LAW4710. The coursework and dissertation mark are combined in proportion to the credit point values in determining the overall mark and honours grade. There is no third class honours.


During the course, students will be required to undertake a minimum of 12 weeks practical work experience located in an engineering industry environment. This will normally be undertaken during a vacation period, even though it is listed as a unit for Year 5 (ENS4111).



Bachelor of Engineering

The engineering component of this double degree is accredited by Engineers Australia alongside the associated single degree courses.


Bachelor of Laws

The law component of this double degree is accredited by the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia.


Standard University admission requirements apply.


Satisfactory performance in WACE Mathematics 3C/3D or Mathematics: Specialist 3C/3D, or equivalent.
WACE Physics 3A/3B, or equivalent is desirable.
Students who have completed a TAFE Diploma or its equivalent in an allied engineering field may be admitted to this course with advanced standing.


Note: Students who have not passed WACE Physics 3A/3B or equivalent will be required to complete a bridging unit during the first year of their studies.

Students who have not completed Mathematics: Specialist 3C/3D are strongly encouraged to attend the 5-day Mathematics Bridging Programme offered in the week before the start of each semester.

This course is available on Joondalup Campus.
This course is available by Full-time, or Part-time mode.
This course is available in the following mode of delivery - On-campus.

The double degree Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Laws consists of 59 units (including one 0 credit point Practicum unit) and requires a total of 870 credit points to be completed. This includes:

15 core BEng units (including the Practicum unit)

22 core Law units

A 15 unit BEng major chosen from the list below

7 Law electives chosen from the list below


Law Electives

Law elective units to a total value of 105 credit points (7 units) should be chosen from the following list.


LAW4110 International Trade Law

CRI1103 Criminology

LAW2106 Intellectual Property Law
LAW3109 Taxation Law
LAW2105 Employment Law  
LAW3105 Alternative Dispute Resolution
LAW4609 Remedies  
LAW4206 Advanced Criminal Law
LAW4108 International Law

LAW4607 Family Law
LAW3260 Asian Legal and Political Systems III
LAW2600 Terrorism and the Law
LAW3201 Law of Banking and Credit III 
LAW2601 Planning and Development Law 1
LAW2602 Environmental Law and Administration
LAW3602 Community Legal Practice
LAW3700 Supervised Legal Research Paper
LAW3600 Coronial Law and Mortuary Practice

LAW3608 Advanced Taxation Law

LAW3605 Occupational Health, Safety and Security Law and Policy

LAW3221 Trade Practices, Competetion and Consumer Protection Law

LAW4130 Innocence Project

LAW4601 Mining and Resource Law

CRI3109 International Human Rights

IAS1115 Indigenous Australians, Cultural Competence and the Criminal Justice System

FBL3501 Business Practicum


Students should check with the School of Law and Justice to determine which elective units are offered by the University in any semester, the mode of delivery (on-campus/off-campus), and any pre-requisites before enrolling.


Majors in Engineering

Students are required to choose a 15 unit engineering major from the unit sets given below. All units in the unit sets have 15 credit points.

Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005)
For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the support for students with disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equity, Diversity and Disability Service website:

Last Updated - Higher Education: 3/15/2013 VET: 5/20/2013