Unit Set Structure


This unit set structure may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

SPAAJN  Transition Nursing Area of Specialisation 

This unit set is available in the following courses:

The Master of Clinical Nursing (Transition) comprises nine units (180 Credit Points). The Transition Nursing unit set allows Registered Nurses to develop expertise in a clinical speciality approved by the Course Coordinator.


Students may exit with a Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing following completion of 60 credit points and with a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Nursing following completion of 120 credit points.

This unit set is available on Joondalup Campus.
This unit set is available in the following mode of delivery - Online.
Semester One
GPN4102 Advanced Health Assessment 20 
CCP4100 Continuous Clinical Practicum 20 
Semester Two
CNG4100 Nursing Governance 20 
The student may exit with a Graduate Certificate in Transition Nursing (S60)
CCP4100 is a year long clinical practice unit. The student must be employed in a graduate nurse position to undertake this unit.

At the completion of these three units, the student must indicate which specialty they will be employed in to continue on with the Masters of Clinical Nursing. If they are not employed within a specialty in the second year of study, they are ineligible to continue on with the Masters and should withdraw with a Graduate Certificate in Transition Nursing (S60).
Semester One
NNS5113 Advanced Nursing Science 1 20 
NNS5202 Advanced Nursing Science 2 20 
NSP5302 Advanced Nursing Practice 2 * 20 
A student may exit with a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Nursing in their clinical specialty.
Semester Two
MHP5101 Master Health Project 20 
MHP5202 Master Health Project 20 
Elective 20 Credit Points
Subjects marked with * is a twelve month long clinical specialty practicum.

Students must be employed in a clinical specialty in order to undertake NNS5113, NNS5202 and NSP5302 (ie: Emergency, ICU, CCU). It is this specialty that dictates what their final Masters of Clinical Nursing specialty is.

MHP5101 and MHP5202 are sequential units. A student studying at the Master award level full-time should enrol in MHP5101 in Semester One, Year Two.


Last Updated - Higher Education: 7/12/2011 VET: 7/12/2011