Unit Set Structure


This unit set structure may be updated and amended immediately prior to semester. To ensure you have the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester.

SPAACC  Interactive Media Development Area of Specialisation 

This unit set is available in the following courses:

The Master of Professional Communications (Interactive Media Development) at Edith Cowan University enables students to harness the revolution in digital communications with a challenging and rewarding mix of practical and critical studies, including research and digital media development activities. The course provides studies of both a theoretical and practical nature in the area of interactive media development and draws together theory and knowledge from the disciplines of information science, media, art and graphic design, instructional design, computer science and cognitive science.

This unit set is available on Mt Lawley Campus.
This unit set is available in the following mode of delivery - On-campus.
Students must study these core units:
CMM4208 Communications and Digital Technology 15
IMM4121 Digital Photomedia 15
IMM4122 Publishing on the World Wide Web 15
IMM4123 Interactive Multimedia Authoring 1 15
IMM4125 Interface and Information Design 15
IMM4228 Project Management Methodology 15
Plus 15 credit points from:
GDT4102 3D Visualisation 15
IMM4205 3D Animation 15
IMM4226 Interactive Multimedia Authoring 2 15
IMM4227 Advanced World Wide Web Applications 15
IMM4330 Industry Project Development 15
CMM4137 Project Preparation 15
CMM5220 Communications Project 1 20 
CMM5221 Communications Project 2 20 
Plus 20 credit points from:
CMM5110 Globalisation, Cultural Diversity and Innovation 20 
CMM5111 Convergences 20 
PRN5110 Perception Management 20 

Last Updated - Higher Education: 4/30/2009 VET: 4/30/2009